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 but let me argue against a under it

The old woman, I bracelet Hermes think I'm tired, really tired,

I want to rest a, can this be very long,

you might think I didn't succeed, only defeat wolf,

but let me argue against a under it, just this once,

later will not, really not meeting,

of my success, I got you,

Oh, this is my Basin faucets only one can make me laugh one thing,

old woman except you, I still have his love,

and it gave me a good love, let I good happiness, that is your flat bottom pot,

didn't I in the day did not know the flat bottom pot will not be lonely,

old woman next time you Prom Dresses also with a flat bottom pot hit me..?

also have the old woman you not to envy the beautiful sheep sheep, you are so beautiful you know what,

does not know me would you want to, I would feel Lonely,

also has the very many of my invention contest prize,
and I put it in the bank, deposit and folded in your wardrobe, the password is your date of birth,

ha ha you may ask me why not tell tell you,

old woman do not angry, I actually love on you hit me like
, so please forgive my selfish, also if there is a next time not to casually away from my

, I can't bear not your day, please, answer lumieres de Nuit me, ha ha, I also

Party Dresses is that sentence, I will come back, and wait Ralph Lauren Pas Cher for me OK?

please turn the
]]> Zhao rain
Posted: 2013-07-05 05:21 | [楼 主]
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