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 along this line on the navel to the penis root from work to massage 10 minutes

152 years old, then. This method chaussures Hogan is based on the
method, combined with modern Qigong acupuncture massage principle, integrated refining compiled. Use this method, can be in short-term inside achieve obvious fitness impotence and cure impotence premature ejaculation neurasthenia effect. For some ailments, and to get instant results. Adhere to long-term practice, can prolong life, and eliminate.
the method is to use some special techniques in every morning and evening, at several points up own massage 10 to 20 minutes.
technique has four kinds: the first kind of way:

1 a day sooner or later (wake up in the morning before getting up to go to bed in the evening not, not to sleep. The same below) supine in bed, pillow try to low natural straight legs. Two feet Couverture pas cher apart and shoulder level.
2 the left fingers grasping the scrotum, slightly massage two testis, accessories and spermatic cord and the root of the penis, to a little pain and can be endured for the degree, women are left two breast massage.
3 the right hand thumb pressing in the navel middle finger, index finger pressure in the back, with the middle finger of the pulp, along this line on the navel to the penis root from work to massage 10 minutes, speed per minute to about 70 a 90 times is appropriate, a return ED Hardy sale to a complex one.
this is the first stage of practice this exercise is an important technique. This technique is a necessary means to start really positive and runs, is Yang and treating Ed hardy Wholesale impotence and premature ejaculation to law.
second methods:
every morning and evening, supine in bed, go to the clothes back, cold can cover the quilt, hands and fingers close together, from the navel as the center, first with the left hand index finger and palm root, according to massage 100 times counterclockwise; then the right hand clockwise massage 100 times. Finally, with the left hand counterclockwise massage 100 times.
this is a great way to spleen and stomach. People with this technique, can cure more than 10 years in three months old gastric disease. Usually occasional food stagnation or gastrointestinal discomfort. Using this technique will be able to get instant results. The
method in the counterclockwise direction to fill, clockwise for diarrhea. The above said left, right, left the order to fill method. Suitable for the old and weak, perennial pulpy stool, urine clear long people exercising if
is defecate scleroma. The body fat, flush with shame, often mouth parched and tongue scorched, must with the costume Prada pas cher reducing method, that is the right - left - right order.
here should pay attention to is: two patch clamp a diarrhea to fill method, namely the left and right to left order. Two purging and fill as catharsis, right - left - right order. No single patch or single diarrhea.
stomach normal person available reinforcing-reducing method, which uses the first order from left to right or left to right.
third methods:
every morning and evening sit cross-legged on the bed, sitting south, binocular close, five fingers close together, with both hands around the finger, and cross massage Zuxin Yongquan about 200 times each, Yongquan point is located on the All Star Converse basse first toe and >
Posted: 2013-07-05 05:24 | [楼 主]
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