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 Cheap iphone 4s for sale Appple iPod touch form china -~Dream Come True~Dea

The chair stopped spinning, but L's head was still whirling with thoughts. I can't bring her back here. Both she and her sister would be better off living a normal life. The only thing I can do to protect her...is to catch Kira. With that only thought in mind, he turned to his computer,Appple iPod touch form china, turned it on...and stuck a lollipop in his mouth.
"Now that's the Ryuzaki we know!" Matsuda cheered, fistpumping the air. The Task force turned their gazes towards the young cop, questioning his sanity. L also directed his attention to the dim witted policeman, wondering how someone as stupid as Matsuda ever got onto the Task Force.
Ignoring the idiot in the room, L once again turned all his attention to his now humming with life computer and began working.
The rest of the week passed slowly, much to my displeasure. The wind flew into my room and brushed along my out-stretched body, causing goosebumps to rise on the exposed skin. It's been close to four hours since I've woken up, and I still haven't moved from my bed. I didn't really want to, either.
It was only when a certain large figure floated through the window did I finally have the motivation to jump up, quite literally.
"Heya kid, how's things?" The raspy voice of the owner broke the silence and I blinked to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. Then I rubbed my eyes for good measure,iPad mini form china. It was still there.
"Ry...Ryuk..?" I managed to stutter out. The Shinigami let out a loud cackle as he threw his head back.
"You seem quite surprised to see me." He spoke up after his laughing fit.
"Well, yeah..." I admitted. "How did you find me?"
Ryuk glided across the room and sank down onto the end of my bed, crossing his unnaturally skinny black legs in an almost lady-like way. "Do you want the truth? Or the lie?"
I crossed my arms and thought about it for a good moment or two. I wanted to know how he really knew where I'd been moved to, but on the other hand I also wanted to know what his lie would be.
"Can I ask to know both?" I finally questioned, dropping my arms back to my sides.
Ryuk cakcled and unrossed his legs before placing a hand on his left knee. "Alright, truth or lie first?"
"I followed your car." He deadpanned. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel comforted that he cared enough to actually find out where I now stayed, or if I should be freaked out by the fact that he followed me...
"And the lie...?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know anymore...
"I'm awesome." The shinigami stated simply, half shrugging his shoulders.
I couldn't help laughing at that statement. Him? Awesome? "I don't see how that has anything to do with how you found me."
"Easy. 'Cause I'm so awesome I have cool powers to know where you are at all times."
"That's...kind of creepy, Ryuk." I admitted, giving him a weirded look as I crossed my arms again.
"Think what you want," Ryuk waved a bony hand dismissively. "So, whether's the other one?"
"...Sorry, what?"
"You know, the other little girl who usually hangs around you." Ryuk explained.
"Oh, she's um...watching TV I think..." I replied, abliet slowly. I didn't like that Miki was spending so much time in front of technology. There were better things for kids to do than hurt their eyes from staring at a screen.
After much convincing Miki finally left the couch and agreed to come to the park. It wasn't that far from the house so we'd all decided on walking.
I spent the duration of the time listening happily to Ryuk talk about how interesting the human world was to him, and how fun it was to scare children by making objects look like they were magically floating.
I made sure to keep a watchful eye on Miki, refusing to let her out of my sight only for her to get into trouble again.
"Mom- Onesan, can we get ice-cream? Oh please, please, please!" Miki begged, clasping her hands together and jumping around my legs.
I gave her a small smile and a nod, saying that we could. She squealed happily and ran down the path, mmerly dodging other people in her haste.
"Would you like some too, Ryuk?" I asked quietly, not wanting to draw unwanted attention to myself.
"I just might. This ice-cream stuff sounds good."
I laughed at the way he pronouned the word and led the shinigami over to the stand wher Miki was eagerly bouncing on her spot,Cheap iphone 4s for sale.
"Which would you like, Miki-san?" I questinoed, placing a hand on her head to discontinue her hyper bounces,
"That one, please!" She replied, standing on her tip-toes and pointing at the triple choc.
I nodded then glanced towards Ryuk, sliently askinghim which he wanted.
"Do they have apple?"
I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. How did I know he was going to choose that flavour? I gave a slight nod of my head and he beamed brightly.
"Then that one!"
I turned to the man and layed out the money for the desserts. "One apple flavour and one strawberry, please."
He nodded andturned to prepare the ice-cream. I couldn't help glancing sideways at the shinigami, seeingthat he was now just as excited as my little sister. I let out a quiet giggle before reaching out to take the desserts from the man.
"Thank you." I gave him a slight bow before turning and heading towards a park bench in a slightly secluded area. Didn't want anybody seeing one of the treats being magically devoured now, would we?
I handed Miki hers and she muttered a quick thanks before plopping on to the bench and digging in.
"Here, Ryuk. Now don't eat it too fast or you'll get a brainfreeze." I warned him before holding his out. The shinigami eagerly snatched it up and started scoffing it, glancing at Miki every so often to make sure that he was eating it the right way since it was his first time ever having ice-cream.
I licked around the edges of mine, stopping it from dripping before starting to eat it. I stopped halfway through and ended up just staring at the cold, sweet dessert. I watched as the ice-cream melted around the outside and oozed down the edges of the cone, coming dangerously close to my fingers.
The strawberry flavour...it reminded me of all the strawberry related things Ryuzaki would always eat, among other varieties of food. It reminded me of the times when we always fought over the last strawberry.
Pink, the colour of the oozing dessert...not one of my prefered colours, but it did remind me of the good times Miki, Ryuzaki and I all had together; such as that time when we'd caught him asleep in his chair and decided to tie bright pink ribbons in his hair.
The ice-cream cone...oh how that brought back memories. It was Miki's birthday, we'd been celebrating with cakes and everything sweet. It was late at night,USB cheap buy, and Miki had gone to bed long ago. But Ryuzaki and I had stayed up and continued having fun. We'd made a bet that whoever lost at chess would be forced to wear an ice-cream cone on their head for the entire day after that night. I'd won. It was the only time I'd ever won at anything against him.
"Hey, Itami..?"
I jumped as the memories washed away to the back of my mind once again and turned to face Ryuk. I'd been so surprised by the sudden interuption that I'd dropped what was left of my ice-cream and the soggy cone on the pavement.
"Were you even listening?" The shinigami asked, clearly irriated that my mind had been elsewhere.
"Oh...sorry, Ryuk. I guess I got a little distracted." I admitted, shakingthe sticking pink substance off my fingers.
Ryuk grunted and crossed him arms, his treat already devoured. "Not that I care or anything, but the runt of yours has disappreared."
"Miki? She's gone?" I jumped off the benchseat and frnatically looked in every direction. "When did she leave? Where did she go?!" I questioned, turning back to the shinigami for answers.
He simply shrugged his shoulders and floated upwards. "I dunno. I was too busy talking to notice she left." He crossed his arms and mumbled something about me not paying attention anyway.
"I"m sorry I wasn't listening, Ryuk. But can you please help me find my sister?"
"What's in it for me?" He questioned, still sulking over being ignored.
I chewed on the end of my index finger, thinking over it. "What if I bough you another apple ice-cream?" I suggested.
His face immediately lit up and I knew straight away that he couldn't resist an offer like that. "Alright, count me in."
"I'll check the east and north part of the park, you check the south and west. Meet back here in fifteen minutes, okay,Discount wholesale Intel CPU?"
The shinigami nodded and flew higher up without another word. I turned in the opposite direction and ran along the path, scanning the area's quickly as I passed them.
I checked the front gates, the pond, the food stands, the small cluster of trees, hell, I even looked around the toilet block. She was nowhere to be found. It was hard, but I managed to keep a clear head and stay calm as I walked back to the benchseat and sat down.
Maybe Ryuk had better luck then I did. He's probably bringing her back as I speak. I glanced around as I waited, hoping that maybe Miki would walk past.
A familiar black figure came into view and I immediately stood, waiting anxiously as he flew over. "Did you find her?"
The shinigami shook his head. He hadn't found her. Now I was panicking. I clasped my hands together in front of me and focused on my breathing. Hyperventilating wasn't going to get us anywhere. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and tried my best to think rationally about the situation.
The entire park had been searched. So maybe Miki wasn't in the park? Perhaps she wandered outside? The thought of her not being within the safety of the gates only made it harder to concentrate on keeping a level head.
Wait, there was one other place that Miki could be at. Why hadn't I thought of it before? Out of anywhere else it was the most likely place she'd go to. "The playground."
"Huh?" Ryuk turned to look at me, obviously confused,
"The playground. It's the only other place I can think of." I repeated, rushing past the puzzled Shinigami and across the freshly cut grass.
"I didn't see any playground though?" Said Ryuk, flying alongside me.
"That's because it's not actually in the park, it's connected to it,Cheap iphone 5 for sale," I explained, dodging a couple with a pram before I kept running.
"And if she's not there?"
I faltered in my step and would've tripped over my own two feet if I hadn't stretched my hands out and caught myself on one of the Sakura trees. What if she wasn't at the playground? What would I do then?
The thought hadn't crossed my mind. But now that Ryuk had suggested it, it was all I could think about. I shook my head sharply and straightened up before breaking into a run again.
"If she's not, then I honestly don't know what I'll do." And it was the truth. Losing Ryuzaki was hard. More than hard; it was unbearable. But to lose my sister...someone I'd known since she was a tiny infant. It would be too much. My life would completely shatter into a million unfixable pieces.
I stopped at the small iron fence and pushed it open, following the thin path the box hedges created. The path stretched out and opened up at the end, revealing a colourful child's playground in the middle of a large round sandpit.
And there, on the only swing in this small area, was Miki. But the person who was standing behind her caught me off-guard. Or should I say people. . .
Posted: 2013-07-05 05:26 | [楼 主]
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