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 Discount iPad for sale Discount wholesale iphone 5 I Was Enchanted To Mee

Present- (This takes place in season 1 though guys)
I decided it was time to return to Mystic Falls. It's been what ? 148 years ? I just want to see if anything has changed. No, I didn't have anywhere to stay but I'd find somewhere. I don't hunt down humans anymore, but I dont drink animal's blood either. I usually just go to a blood bank and compel whoever is there to spot me a few bags. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a gray v-neck,, a leather jacket and black combat bootheels.I got to this place called The Grill. Eh, I'll stay here and have a few drinks for a little while.
"You new here ?" the bartender asked me
I nodded, "yeah"
"Welll, dont know if you heard or not but there's some animal on the loose, killed about 3 people already"
"Yeah, it's pretty weird,Discount wholesale iphone 5, all of 'em got bitten on their necks"
So there's definitely another vampire here. Just great.
He put a shot infront of me, "on the house, welcome to Mystic Falls"
I picked up the glass, "thanks" and drank it.
I heard these two teens arguing. The girl was saying something about how the guywas too mysterious and shit.I rolled my eyes, if the guy doesn't wana tell you, he doesnt wanna tell you. She walked off.
I turned around to see who the lucky bastard was,Discount iPad for sale, "holy shit"
He turned to me and I turned around as quickly as possible, walking away from the bar in human speed. He suddenly jumped infront of me using his vampire speed.
"Rebecca?" He asked in a whisper
I crossed my arms, "Why hello Stefan, didn't know you'd still be here. Nice seeing you , bye" Yeah, I hold grudges.
"Rebcca, wait ! Are you still upset ? After all these years?"
I sighed, honestly, the pain wore off, it's just annoyance. "Not really but I want an explanation, Stefan"
He frowned and nodded, "of course, follow me"
We went to his old house...well what was left of his old house in the woods. I sat on an old rock and he leaned against a tree
He let out a breath and began, "Okay, Katherine was, well you know, I was in love with her. Then Damon started to get a strange liking to her out of nowhere. She was compelling him, Rebecca. He had no control, it wasn't his fault"
I rolled my eyes but im not gonna lie, that did get me thinking.
Stefan continued, "Then after the Founders Ball, her and I spent the night together. She fed off of me and then compelled me to forget about it. She was doingn the same to Damon. She was going to have her way with the both of us and we'll all live happily, without me or Damon knowing about eachother. She turned us and still had the ability to compell us. A few weeks later, you found her and Damon" he said the last part quietly and looked up at me.
I frowned.
"Like I said, Rebecca. She compelled him,Samsung Phones to buy, he didn't know what he was doing and she made him forget.. Thats why he would go back to you like everything was normal"
"So you knew all of this , Stefan and you didnt tell me?"
"No Rebecca, I didn't know. I only remembered bits and pieces"
I nodded, knowing that happens after you compel someone
"So what happened next?" I asked
"Well, after you left Damon...and me...I guess we were too gloomy for Katherine over loosing you and she came to us one night and told us you had gotten killed by one of the other vampires in town named Clark. Damon, who was furious and heartbroken, found and staked Clark" Stefan explained
"That bitch lied Stefan, shes the one who turned me"
"I know  Rebecca, I know. She told us right before she was about to be burned"
I sighed, at least they knew.
"We really thought you were dead" he said.
I straightened up and walked over to Stefan, tears in my eyes and hugged him, "I forgive you, Stefan. But not Damon. Not yet. Im still pissed as hell"
"Understandable, you know...um...I shouldnt even tell you but...he' living in Mystic Falls now"
I froze, "No...no..Stefan no. I can't see him"
"Your going to eventually Rebecca,TV for sale. Do you have anywhere to stay ?"
I shoo my head
"Well, you can stay with Damon and I"
I raised an eyebrow, hearing Damon's name.
"You and Damon are living together?"
"Well...I honestly don't know myself..but are you going to be okay seeing him?" he asked me with concern
I breathed and nodded, "I guess I can't hide forever"
"Rebecca...Damon..he's different."
"What do you mean?"
"He's a monster. He's killed a great amount of people and it doesn't seem like he's going to stop anytime soon. I even tried killing him Rebecca. My own brother" his voice cracked a little
"What did you do?"
" I poisoned him with vervain  locked him in a room filled with it too. Waiting for him to eventually die."
"...How did he get out?" I asked
"He signaled Caroline, a girl whom he manipulated and compelled in order to feed off of her, to get him. He ended up killing Zachary, our great great great nephew and tried killing Caroline. We don't know where he is now"
I gasped, Damon would do that ? My Damon?
"Who was that girl you were arguing with at The Grill ,Wholesale discount iPad 4?"
"Her name is Elena. She's my...girlfriend"
I nodded, Well...lets go to my new home, bestie " I said linking arms with Stefan and running at vampire speed. I missed him.

I was in my room. I havev't seen Damon yet, thank god. Stefan told me there's the Founder's Ball tonight. I was excited. I haven't been there in literally forever. I wasn't going to wear a dress or anything. That's not my style anymore. I liked to be the one that stands out. Whille everyone is going to wear their frilly little bright dresses, im gonna wear a pair black ripped skinny jeans, a black tube top that showed off just a little but of stomach and a leather jacket with a pair of converse. Stefan looked at me with his eyebrow raised and shook his head laughing. I smiled. It was good to have my best friend back.
We got to the ball and of course I got some stares. The Mayor, his wife and his son were at the door greeting people.
"Oh look ! There's Elena " Stefan said, walking away from me. I sighed, all by myself.
"Hi um, im Matt Donovan" I turned around to see a pretty good looking boy. He looked around 17 or 18,Online Mac for sale. Too young.
"Hey I'm Rebecca" I said smoothly, smiling.
"Are you..new here?" He said nervously
I nodded, "yeah, just got here today"
"Oh okay cool.."
Yeha, he's boring.
"I gotta go" I told him shrugging and walking away. I walked inside the place and it looked really different from the 1800s. There were things from my time in glass cases and stuff all around. I looked at one case and it had the guest registration sheet on it. I saw my name and smiled a little. A few hours passed and I kind of got bored so I just walked around. Then I heard a voice behind me.
"Well Lady Rebecca....here we are, standing in the very same place we fell in love centuries ago"
I froze.
Posted: 2013-07-05 05:28 | [楼 主]
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